
From classical to prototype theory

  In this blog, I would like to discuss about 4 major types of categorizations which are studied in psychology, and I would also like to put in my inputs on how learning about them helps us in understanding of social being. I would like to have my blog as a conversation between Raj and Simran (I am utilizing a psychology concept called "mere exposure effect", the familiarity of readers with the names would help me to convey my thoughts more easily) . Raj is a curious undergrad and Simran is his psychology instructor in this blog. The name of the characters having a conversation motivates us to think how the evolution of theories is similar and different from the evolution of movies. The similarity being building over the past and making corrections based on novel observations and the difference being the theories have improved a lot covering more cases but can we say the same thing about movies in general 😕 ? (The answer would be different for different readers) Raj : S